If you ask who the benchmark of Chinese cars is, it must be the "HONGQI". On December 13, 2020. HONGQI H9 officially debuted at the HONGQI showroom in Dubai and opened pre-sale for Dubai users. The " HONGQI "(which means red flag in Chinese) flying around the world not only makes the Chinese people feel proud but also means that the quality of domestic cars has been recognized by customers around the world.

" HONGQI "(which means red flag in Chinese) flying around the world

In this " HONGQI H9 First Show in UAE " event, in the form of car tasting, the guests present intuitively felt the product charm of the H9 model, and experienced and understood its elegant design, extraordinary performance, comfortable and spacious luxury.

HONGQI H9· Representative of Chinese Cars

As HONGQI brand C+ class luxury flagship sedan, HONGQI H9 represents the strength of China FAW HONGQI brand, fully demonstrates its profound attainments in manufacturing, technology and research and development, and leads HONGQI brand innovation, product innovation and technological innovation into a new era. Hard core strength polishes the " Representative of Chinese Cars ".

Based on fully satisfying the needs of users for car use, HONGQI H9 brings more enjoyment to users, realizes consumers' higher pursuit of car quality, opens a new chapter of high-end brand user experience, and is more Chinese-style new noble Sentiment people provide attractive new options for their own brands.

——Xinhua News

At the event, Xie Qiyi, general manager of HONGQI Dubai agent Oneroad Automotive Trading One Person Company L.L.C., reviewed the history of cooperation with HONGQI brand, introduced the future development plan, and expressed sincere thanks to the guests present on the day.

Li Xuhang, the consul general in Dubai, as a special guest of the event, congratulated HONGQI H9 on its landing in Dubai through a video connection, placed high hopes on HONGQI's brand and products, and expressed confidence in HONGQI's future development in Dubai.

James Luxbacher, General Manager of Avis, a world-renowned car rental company, delivered a speech at the event. He not only praised the HONGQI brand and H9 products, but also expressed his expectation for more cooperation in the future. Also participating in the tasting event were officials from the UAE Road Transport Authority, elites from the same industry, several guests, and media reporters.

HONGQI・A Long History & A Bright Future

FAW- HONGQI is a long-established luxury passenger car manufacturer in China. On August 1, 1958, the first high-end sedan designed and manufactured by my country, the HONGQI sedan, was born in Changchun, marking the beginning of the history of the development of my country's auto industry.

In 1958, the HONGQI sedan was born

In China, HONGQI sedan products were only used for major state events and government-enterprise official vehicles. However, since 2018, the HONGQI brand has begun to formulate a new strategy, revolutionized the old and made new, officially entered the civilian market, and conducted new reforms and upgrades to the brand and technology.

HONGQI H9· Strength Shapes Industry Technical Standards

The strong production and manufacturing system provides support for the high quality of HONGQI H9. The leading independent innovation and technology research and development capabilities of China's FAW HONGQI brand unleash the full potential of HONGQI H9, especially in terms of power performance and chassis research and development. A quality car for travel life.

We interpret quality first with ingenious manufacturing and create a beautiful experience with innovative technology. As the "eldest son of the Republic", China FAW shoulders the important responsibility of strengthening China's auto industry and boosting the continuous breakthrough of independent brands. HONGQI brand has always been committed to becoming the benchmark of China's independent auto brands and the international " Representative of Chinese Cars ".

—— Xinhua News

The popularity of HONGQI brand in China is remarkably high. With its excellent design and quality, consumers of all social classes quickly after seeking it. In the Chinese market alone, the sales volume of HONGQI products has risen from 30,000 units in 2018 to more than 100,000 units in 2019, a growth rate of over 230%; as of October 2020, the sales volume has reached 153,000 units, which is expected to be achieved throughout the year. 200,000 units are sold, and the growth rate has doubled again; by 2025, the global sales target is 800,000 units.

In 2018, " HONGQI " broke through and started again

HONGQI has become the No. 1 luxury car brand in China. In the past two years, HONGQI has shown and proved the strength of the HONGQI brand to the world with its advanced intelligent technology and superior product design and performance. With its new products and innovative technologies, it has successively participated in important global auto events such as the American Consumer Electronics Show, the Frankfurt Auto Show, and the Dubai International Auto Show.

HONGQI・Dubai Development Strategy

The Gulf region is an important strategic market for HOGNQI overseas, and Dubai is an important market area in the Gulf region. HOGNQI products adhere to the concept of "extreme standards and extreme requirements" and introduce H9 into the Dubai market, which is also a crucial step for the HOGNQI brand to take in the Dubai market in 2020. Through the H9 model, more Dubai users will be able to have a deeper understanding of the HOGNQI brand and establish a benchmark for Chinese luxury cars.

This time, HONGQI will join hands with its UAE dealer, Oneroad Group, to officially sell the H9 model in Dubai, and provide it with guarantee services, spare parts and technical support, and work together to develop the HONGQI brand in Dubai.

In the future, HONGQI will continue to expand its sales and service network to other Arab countries and regions with Dubai as its starting point, continuously enrich its product lines, and strive to extend its success in China to Arab and other countries. In addition, it will also increase its layout and investment in network quality and coverage, bringing a better travel experience to users in Dubai and the entire Gulf region.

The "HONGQI"(red flag) is ready to ride the wind and waves in the world's luxury car market and "fly" in the wind!