On the evening of July 1, 2022 (Friday), HONGQI Automotive successfully held the " POST-DUBAI EXPO & HONGQI DOUBLE 9 APPRECIATION EVENT" in the Flagship showroom of ONEROAD Automotive company in Dubai. Members of the Dubai Royal Family, representatives of government departments from Economic Bureau, Police Department, Cultural Bureau, and Commercial Bank, as well as HONGQI Automobile VIP customers and representatives of local Chinese in Dubai attended the event.

Mr. Elvin Xie, General Manager of ONEROAD Automotive company and guest representatives delivered a speech at the event.

Video: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TsII8fAv0EaCOuHH9w6eiw

There specially set up an exhibition area, displaying the exquisite badges of 192 national pavilions of Expo 2020 Dubai one by one, which attracted visitors to watch and share with interest. Such experience also made people feel as if the Expo 2020 had never ended. A series of cultural concepts, communication ideas and the concept of creating the future inherited in the World Expo era are in line with the scientific and technological innovation and technological innovation spirit that HONGQI Double 9 series want to show to the public. HONGQI has been racing on the "track" and combining innovation with the future.

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hongqi club