Speaking of HONGQI cars, it represents not only a national brand, but also a national memory and national feelings. In 1958, the first HONGQI brand vehicle was born, which not only became the starting point for the development of China's auto industry, but also became a state vehicle for state leaders and major national events; A flag and pride of the automotive industry.

September 26, 2022, the E-HS9 of China FAW HONGQI Automobile – HONGQI's first full-size smart pure electric SUV – officially entered the Dubai Police Star Fleet Team! It has become the world only Chinese self-owned brand car to enter, and the first new energy vehicle brand to enter!

HONGQI's first full-size smart pure electric SUV

The rich heritage of HONGQI cars has also been following and leading the trend of the times. At the moment when new energy vehicles have become the new favorite, FAW-HONGQI has also launched a meticulous work – E-HS9.

As the first full-size smart pure electric SUV of the HONGQI brand, the E-HS9 is a strong support for the HONGQI brand to practice the "new four modernizations" of the industry, and has a new era milestone significance for the development of the HONGQI brand and even the Chinese auto brand – representing China's FAW, The HONGQI brand has comprehensive technical advantages in the platform-based modular integration of new energy systems, the development of high power density and low-cost electric drive systems, the independent development of new energy core electronic controls, and high-voltage safety technology – and because of its solid and excellent workmanship The driving experience and high-end positioning are known as "domestic Tianxi".

The appearance of the whole vehicle adopts the grille of "alpine waterfalls, the mainstay", which is not only majestic, but also highly recognizable; and at the rear of the car, the popular through-type taillights are also used. HONGQI E-HS9 is not only beautiful, but also easy to drive. Equipped with full-time four-wheel drive and self-developed 160/245 electric drive system, the maximum cruising range can reach 660km. In addition, the interior parts also follow the oriental aesthetics of "landscape artistic conception", and there are more intelligent car-machine systems, intelligent driving assistance, etc., which show comfort and luxury in the details.


Entered the Dubai Police Star Fleet Team, setting multiple firsts:

HONGQI E-HS9 not only touched the hearts of the Chinese people, but also "captured" a group of international customers – not only has it become the only Chinese self-owned brand car to enter the Dubai Police Star Fleet; it is also the world's first new energy vehicle brand to enter .


The Dubai Police Star Team, which is famous for owning countless luxury cars, chose HONGQI E-HS9 as a member of the team, which not only shows that its design has been recognized, and its Chinese elements show its unique charm; it also shows that its comprehensive experience has reached an excellent level. The Chinese red flag appears on the streets of Dubai, and it has become the focus of tourists' attention along with other luxury car brands. It is not a pride.

The HONGQI E-HS9, which entered the Dubai Police Star Team, was also awarded the No. 8 license plate by the Dubai Police. The number 8 represents good luck in traditional Chinese culture, and it is of far-reaching significance for luxury Chinese brands to meet festive Chinese elements.


Afterwards, when you meet the red flag E-HS9 of Dubai Police on the streets of Dubai, don’t forget to take a photo and punch in. If you want to experience & learn more about HONGQI models, you are also welcome to visit the newly upgraded HONGQI flagship showroom in Dubai.